Prepare Your Article: Write and revise your article according to the guidelines provided by the publication you’re submitting to. This often includes formatting, length, and citation style.

Choose a Publication: Identify a suitable journal, magazine, or website where your article fits. Each publication has specific themes or topics they focus on, so make sure your article aligns with their interests.

Follow Submission Guidelines: Each publication has its own set of submission guidelines. These might include specific formatting requirements, length restrictions, and details on how to submit (e.g., through an online portal, email, or postal mail).

Submit Your Article: Send your article according to the publication’s instructions. This might involve filling out a submission form and attaching your article file.

Review Process: After submission, your article will usually undergo a review process. This could involve peer review (for academic journals), editorial review, or other forms of evaluation depending on the type of publication.

Revisions and Feedback: Based on the review, you might receive feedback and be asked to make revisions. Address the feedback and resubmit if required.

Publication Decision: Once reviewed, the publication will make a decision to accept or reject your article. If accepted, they will handle the rest of the publishing process, which might include additional editing

Post-Publication: After publication, you might need to promote your article or address any post-publication revisions if necessary.

How To Submit Article Submission ?


1.Go To Google…

2.Search HIGH DA PA Article Submission Website

3.Copy The Website Name And Go To Google search paste the website name

4.In that website find write or article submission option

5.write article ,include your website url in that article

6.preview the article and post it

7.your article is submitted

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